Aliza Robinson

Aliza Robinson

Rev. Aliza Bloom Robinson, transformational catalyst, author, speaker and ordained Unity Minister is the Voice for New Humanity Now.  She is committed to ushering in a new consciousness of Universal All-ness. Aliza plays in the quantum field and with frequencies to...

David Adams

David Adams

David Adams, Unity Minister, instructs his audience on how to move through life with a sense of wonder and optimism. 

Lily Sandberg

Lily Sandberg

Lilly gives us a fresh perspective for the phrase" for the love of God" which is used so often in conversation.

Jan Phillips

Jan Phillips

Jan Phillips is a thought leader who connects the dots between spiritual intelligence, evolutionary creativity, and social action. She is the author of eleven award-winning books, has taught in over 25 countries, and has published work in the New York Times, Ms.,...

Victor Dougherty

Victor Dougherty

When I was 44, I experienced a very painful trauma in my life and began seeing a therapist for help. After a few sessions he told me I wasn’t having a mental crisis, I was having a spiritual one and then sent me to the American Buddhist Center. Ever since that day I...

Rev Jackie Hawkins

Rev Jackie Hawkins

Each day we are faced with many choices to make. We can choose to be compassionate or cruel; patient or impatient. We can even choose to do nothing, but in that choice to do nothing, we have made a choice. As we were created with free-will, we have the ability to...

Laura Barrett Bennett

Laura Barrett Bennett

Title:  The Meaning of Life 3 Words To Remember That Provide You Everything You'll Need To Succeed (Video time: 00:02:45 - 00:03:30) and so much more... Description:  “In recent months and years, life as we know it has been going through a critical evolutionary...