Rev Jim Gaither
Mysticism Part 1: The Ultimate Reason for Existence “The last end of man, the ultimate reason for human existence, is unitive knowledge of the divine Ground.” - Aldous Huxley, author of The Perennial Philosophy, Brave New World, and The Doors of Perception. Was Huxley...
Rev. Dr. Jane Simmons
Talk Title: “You Can’t Sleep Through Your Awakening” We explore together what it means to awaken, what might be getting in the way and how triggering moments can point us in the direction of awakening to our True Wholeness.
Rev Kelly Isola
Try Anything, Try Everything, Never Give Up
Kelley Hunt
Sometimes it can seem like it takes forever to finally be able to step out of the cold Winters of our lives into the warmth of Spring, but when we take it one step, one day, sometimes even one minute at a time, we can’t help but get there.
Mitch Austin
Tipping Your Spiritual Apple Carts Sometimes Divine disruption shows up in our lives or we bring disruption to a situation by speaking our truth. In today’s talk, I will unpack the importance of disruption in our lives, how we can navigate it with authenticity and...
Rob Elsey
One of the cofounders of In the Name of Grace will tell his story and how this nonprofit began. He will tell us about how addiction (substance abuse disorder) impacted their family. Deciding it wasn’t only their problem, but A PROBLEM for all, is how they decided...
Rev Jen Hutchins
With the harmonizing power of Divine Love you can create positive change in your life and in the world. Bring a piece of paper and pen with you for this Sunday's lesson as Rev. Jen shares a simple creative activity to empower the spiritual gift of love within you.
Lily Sandberg
Many times, prayer is a spiritual act we save for the quiet moments, the hopeless moments, the moments when we may be trying to negotiate or bargain with God. We know they in Unity, affirmative prayer is a powerful tool we have. But what does affirmative prayer really...
Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck
A review of fundamental concepts … according to Paul … and Unity’s teachings on radical self-responsibility. Are you responsible for everything that happens in your life? Just what are we really responsible for? Strength, Faith and Dominion … three POWERS we use in...
Rev Rita Marie Johnson
Rev. Rita Marie will tell the amazing story of the crucifixion and resurrection as seen through the eyes of Anna, Grandmother of Jesus. Then she will share how Anna's wisdom has impacted her life and is a message of hope to the world.