Rev Kelly Isola

Rev Kelly Isola

Spring has sprung! A new day has dawned! Easter is upon us and the seasons have switched! It’s also time to get our HOLY ON! What you say? You don’t now how? Guess again. We don’t need to learn how, we need to close our eyes and leap into what we already are. "Getting...

Jennifer “Birdie” Shawker

Jennifer “Birdie” Shawker

 “The Strange Pull” 13th-century Persian poet and mystic, Rumi, wrote, “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” This Sunday, discover how our guest speaker found herself silently pulled to a place many...

Dr. Jude LaClaire

Dr. Jude LaClaire

Exploring and embracing the women mentors and pioneers who influenced history, both socially and personally, we can identify, affirm and live the feminine qualities within ourselves. The divine and profane feminine belongs equally to all of us.

Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett

Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett

Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett: Take Up Your Bed and Walk Healing is not about curing a condition. It’s not about believing something could be missing, broken, or wrong about you that needs correcting. Healing is your courageous realization of the wholeness at the heart...

Rev. Jim Gaither

Rev. Jim Gaither

All the laws of the universe are ideas and in that sense all laws are laws of mind. Once we understand the laws of the universe, we can use them beneficially and productively.

Nuria Sabato

Nuria Sabato

Let’s explore together the viewpoint of Beginning Again with love, patience, faith, hope, and courage.

Victor Dougherty

Victor Dougherty

Victor will help us explore the wisdom of insecurity and how fear/anxiety can be profound teachers. Victor is the founder of Temple Buddhist Center, Kansas City, Missouri.

Melanie Dean

Melanie Dean

Dr. Dean, author of The Hidden Power of Emotions, will share science and practical strategies for transforming judgment and turmoil to peace within yourself and with others.