David Adams
We experience such mercy through our own willing hearts. Are you willing to release your own sense of how things should be and remain loving in the face of what is so?
Lilly Sandberg
As we prepare for the opportunities of a new year, we get to ask ourselves the question: "What am I ready to release?" Join us as we talk about the 12 Power of Release.
Graeme Cruickshank
Graeme shares the history of Yuletide songs and their role is spiritual services now and in the past.
Jan Philips
Healing the world begins with healing ourselves, becoming the mystics and prophets we were born to be.
Paul Hasselbeck
Paul discusses how the power of grace in this Advent week of Peace can nurture our relationships and spiritual practices.
Laura Bennett
Rev Laura guides listeners through a path of navigating our spiritual journey with the north star of intuition and faith.
Nhien Vuong
Sacred Listening is the spiritual process of really listening to others in such a way that they feel completely heard at the soul level.
Kelley Hunt
Kelley interlaces a spiritual message about love in action with her original songs and the uplifting beat of her keyboard.
Robert Brumet
Robert explores the spiritual in's and out's of the universal stories of the Divine Conspiracy.
Sandra Campbell
Sandra helps us walk our talk with a sense of humor and a release of more love and commitment along our journeys.