Jan Phillips is a thought leader who connects the dots between spiritual intelligence, evolutionary creativity, and social action. She is the author of eleven award-winning books, has taught in over 25 countries, and has published work in the New York Times, Ms., Newsday, People, Parade Magazine, Christian Science Monitor, New Age Journal, National Catholic Reporter, Sun Magazine, and Utne Reader. Her books have been endorsed by Bishop John Shelby Spong, Ervin László, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi , Richard Rohr, Diarmuid O’Murchu, Gloria Steinem, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Brian Tracy, Ken Blanchard. She has performed with Pete Seeger, presented with Jane Goodall, sung to Gladys Knight, and worked for Mother Teresa. Jan teaches throughout the United States and Canada, facilitating retreats on evolutionary faith, mysticism and prophetic action. She is a frequent presenter at Unity churches throughout the US. She has three CDs of original music, several videos, and a seven-hour audio program produced by Sounds True Audio, all available on her website. She sends out a weekly Bulletins of Immortality and a monthly Museletter to her mailing list. You can sign up on her website. www.janphillips.com