Blurb: May Rowland is one of the most unknown and under acknowledged Unity leaders. She was in the circle of both Charles and Myrtle Fillmore and was the longest serving director of Silent Unity. She wrote Come Ye Apart Awhile based on Mark 6:31 – “And he said unto them, Come ye yourself apart into a desert place, and rest awhile.” Throughout the 14 pages of this document, Rowland brings the reader into a two-step prayer process that begins with total relaxation of your body, followed by affirmations to realize the Christ spirit within you. Join us on Sunday to learn more about May Rowland’s legacy on Unity, dive into her writing, and experience an extended, full-body meditation experience. 

Bio: Rev. Lily Sandberg (she/her/ella) grew up in Unity, believing wholeheartedly in humanity’s sacred worth and our messiness. This dichotomy of each of us being fully human and fully divine inspired her to pursue a BA in Religious Studies and Sociology from the University of New Mexico. Ordained from UWSI in 2022, she continues to pursue ministry focused on deep care of individuals, family systems, and communities. This has inspired her next educational pursuit into medical chaplaincy, beginning Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) in 2024. She regularly guest speaks for Unity communities, as well as consults ministries in spreading their message through social media.